Sunday, February 27, 2011

Strolling Through the Park

Avenging Daughter [May Wong]: "And that is why I come here!"
Gun Girl [Jaime Neilsen]: "They're so hot!"
May:  "These guys? You should see the captain of the batting-or-whatever team. The game starts at 4:30. He should be here any minute." [Oh my God. Listen to me. He's just some stupid jock. Yeah. That's not what you were thinking when you squeezed by him at the entrance to the park last week.]
Tri-Del [Rebecca Hirsch]: "Are you sure it's not because you've started to suck at figure skating?"
May: "Says the expert on sucking."
Jaime: "I can't take you two anywhere. But I've never heard of a tall figure skater, either."
May: "It's not fair. If this keeps up I'm going to be a freak like your cousin! At least it's not affecting my kung fu." [Or my boarding. But May didn't say that, because she didn't trust Becky not to tell. How was she going to tell Jaime not to bring Becky next time? If there were a next time. If she didn't tell about this.]
Becky: "Where are the Rugrats?"
May: "Oh crap. Well, it's only been a minute, and hopefully no-one's left the keys in a cherrypicker again."
[May reaches for her phone behind her on the bleachers. It's not there. Damn it! The Rugrats pulled this one on Jen three times already, and she's not going to be taken like Super Dork. Only she is. May vaults to the top of the bleachers. She skitters her skate wheels as she lands, to make it look more dangerous than it is. Rep. Even if was only with Miss Two-Faced Becky. Where were they? Where was he?

But it's not the Rugrats. He's there, on the sidewalk across the running track. He's holding her phone up in his hands like a cricket ball ready to be thrown. May puts her hands up to catch, but instead he kicks his skateboard down onto the street. To Hell with the secret identity --May jumps down the six levels of bleachers, hitting the sidewalk and kicking off a lunging start.] 
Becky and Jaime: "May, wait up!"
[May doesn't pay attention. What are they going to tell her? That it might be a trap, that she should let the big kids handle it, or go cry to her parents? She'd had enough of that worrying and moping and doing nothing just from watching Jen.]
May: "Bring your stupid, wetback ass back here before I kick it for you!" [Instead he jumps his skateboard high enough to land on the back of a passing semi, nailing the landing. Oh. Was this super business? That was another story. Now she could punch that smile off his face, no kid gloves. Another semi was following behind. Wait a second...]
Some Hot Guy Who Plays Cricket: "Just call the phone later! You don't want to get hurt!"
[Yeah. Like that was an issue. May vaults up on one semi, jumps over to the Hot Guy's, and lands her first combination in as much time as it takes him to  get his lame pickup out. She might get hurt?]
Veejay: "Crap, kid. Wetback? I'd like to see you graduate ITI. Stop that! I can't keep blocking forever!"
May: "Don't want to hit a girl?"
[Instead he kicks his skateboard over the edge of the semi and vaults down into traffic. May follows without a pause, although she has to bounce off a Honda hood to keep up. The driver didn't even have time to hit the brakes before she was skating beside him. This was fun! Then she was up on the sidewalk, and....
Becky and Jaime spun out of 5-space into continuum in front of her. May goes down in a heap avoiding them. By the time she's bounced back up, the guy is nowhere to be seen. Even if May is excited enough to think about trying to go through them. But only think about it. 
Jaime: "Down, girl!"
Becky: "Eh. Needs a haircut."
May: "He's just a boy. And he's got my phone!"
Jaime: "And you can call him."
May: "My mom will find out, and I'll..." [May wants to scream. This. Now. It's perfect. Now. I want it now. She lunges for space between Jaime and Becky, but Becky is there before May even moves, because that's what Becky does.]
May: "I'm not Jenny! I can't wait!"
Becky: "Oka-ay then. Crazy thought. Borrow my phone? You know? The one with the teleporting friend?"
[May blushes inside to be thinking that you're no friend of mine as she dials her own number.]
An Already Familiar Voice: "Veejay here. I.... Damn it! Don't! Leave it be!"
Jaime: "I've got a fix."
Becky: "And here we go.... To not Kansas? Ooh. No creepy touching." [Things fall off the would-be groper as he hits the shiny metal walkway thingie high above. Fleshy things.]
Becky: "Ooh. He's all Lolita for me. Think he knows your new boyfriend, May?"
Jaime: "The future is totally how I pictured it. Except with more zombies."
May: "Isn't time travel more your clone-mom's gig?"
Becky: "Zombies. Fight now. And it's Agamogenetic American."

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